Baby LEADers is a free, virtual course that helps the parents of children with disabilities understand their rights and how to advocate for their families.
We’ll go On the Record with clients who’ve received free equipment through Maryland Equips. From wheelchairs and ramps to adapted computers, we hear how donated devices are making a difference.
Despite ample time, DDA is still failing to ensure services are being provided.
We go On the Record to learn about TALMAR, a nature therapy center where people with disabilities can socialize and take part in hands-on outdoor activities like planting, harvesting and more. We talk with the executive director and then pay a visit!
We’ll go On the Record with a woman who transformed the story of what really happened to her cousin with disabilities .. into a novel -- how a devious sheriff stole her cousin’s inheritance. Plus, tools to safeguard the finances of people with disabilities.
We’ll go On the Record with Rob Hair, of the Maryland School for the Blind. Saturday, April 29 MSB is hosting the ‘See Beyond Festival’ where visitors can experience what it feels like to overcome challenges of limited or no vision.
We’ll go On the Record with three advocates from The IMAGE Center for People with Disabilities to hear about the realities that face people of color who live with disabilities: navigating both racist and ableist attitudes — and their work toward empathy and healing.
We’ll go On the Record to hear about Kennedy Krieger’s efforts to help neurodiverse people get ready and hold jobs, and to educate employers about hiring people with disabilities. Plus, an alumnus of the program talks about his job at Ripken Stadium!
Bills introduced into the Maryland General Assembly would make all single occupancy bathrooms in public have signage indicating all gender identities may use it.