The Stoop Storytelling Series is a Baltimore-based live show and podcast that features “ordinary” people sharing the extraordinary, true tales of their lives. It showcases the stories of “ordinary" people, told in front of live audiences as large as 1,400. Stoop stories are weird, wonderful, hilarious, and heartbreaking — and, above all, intimate.
Since its founding in 2006, The Stoop has featured the tales of more than 2,500 people onstage — including notable citizens such as Congressman Elijah Cummings, “Wire” creator David Simon, activist DeRay Mckesson, and Senator Barbara Mikulski. The Stoop has been featured in The Washington Post, The Atlantic Magazine, and The New York Times. Founders Laura Wexler and Jessica Henkin host the podcast, which was started in 2015.
The Stoop Storytelling Podcast is hosted by Laura Wexler and Jessica Henkin, produced by Maureen Harvie, and distributed by Your Public Studios. Click here to explore The Stoop's podcast archive prior to August 2022.
This week on the podcast, an epic tale about how getting your big break can break you.
This week on the podcast, two stories about well-intended rookies in the classroom.
Our theme this month is "Work, Life, No Balance." Five storytellers share tales about the working world. We hear from a first-time teacher, Captain Quackers, and the king of the castle. Everyone has a story. What’s yours?
This week on a special edition of the Stoop Storytelling Series, six stories set in the steamy heat of summers past.
This week on the podcast, two stories about being pegged as the wrong guy.
This week on the podcast, two incredible souls — and two great performers — share stories that are an object lesson in how to live.
This week on the podcast, two stories about young women having adventures abroad thanks to their connection to the Peace Corps.
This week on a special edition of the Stoop Storytelling Series, five stories that uplift LGBTQ+ voices and spotlight the ongoing struggle for equality.
This week on the podcast, two stories about women setting a brave — and joyful — new course in the wake of sickness and loss.
This week on the podcast, three stories about young people who make decisions that seem smart at the time but aren’t!