WWDTM Videos
Furry is the Hand that Bribes
What gives some Wait Wait panelists the advantage? It's all about the incentives. Make a donation today! http://youtu.be/OtzQcPAF-dc
High Brow Low Blow
Ever wonder what Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me! jokes sound like before they’re edited? You can't fix everything in post. Make a donation to WYPR today! http://youtu.be/G1S9wpY83W0
One Cat Typing
The newest member of the Wait Wait Staff -- still on probation. Help support an allergy-free workplace. Make a donation today! http://youtu.be/UJ_GuRwvFQE
Peter's Siri Secret
Siri joins the Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me! team. Help us keep our public radio staff human -- Donate to WYPR! http://youtu.be/iWOj9wct6g4