Erika Robuck, who lives in Annapolis, has made a specialty of weaving fictional plots around the real lives of literary giants of the early 20th century. Her latest is a book called Fallen Beauty, a novel that traces the life of poet Edna St. Vincent Millay, the third woman to win the Pulitzer Prize in poetry.
It's not the first time Robuck has imagined the world of an author. In Hemingway’s Girl, Robuck created a relationship that takes us inside the marriage of Ernest and Pauline Hemingway. In Call Me Zelda, Robuck fashioned a portrait of F. Scott Firtzgerald’s wife far outside his shadow.
Robuck will take part in a Fallen Beauty launch party this Friday in Annapolis. It'll take place at 7 pm at the Barnes and Noble on Solomon's Island Road, and include a discussion and signing. More details here.