More than 4 million refugees have fled the bloody civil war in Syria over the past five years – that's about 10% of all the world’s refugees and displaced people, and a fifth of Syria’s population -- and many of them are still waiting, after arduous escapes and dangerous journeys, to find safe haven in Europe and the United States. But in the wake of the ISIS attacks in Paris November 13th and growing fears of further terrorism, the welcome mat for Syrian refugees is being pulled away in some places. Joining us in the studio to talk about the situation facing those refugees, the resettlement process and the balance between national security concerns and civil liberties, is David Rocah, Senior Staff Attorney, the American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland, and on the phone with us is Ruben Chandresakar, Executive Director of the Baltimore branch of the International Rescue Committee, one of nine non-profit agencies that manage refugee resettlement in the United States.