After the holidays, we all need to find wines that fit within our budget. Hugh has found some very affordable reds.
Price key: $=less than $20 $$= $20-40 $$$=$40-60 $$$$=above $60
Quality key: * = decent wine ** = very good wine *** = superb wine ****= elite
VALUE = exceptional quality for the money
Bodegas Albero “Camelopard” Castilla La Mancha. ** $ VALUE
(100% cab sauv, big, round every day red, hints of spice, burger wine)
Farm House Red, California ’21 **1/2 $. WINE OF THE WEEK
(Product of Cline, kitchen sink blend, well made, juicy and fresh)
Chateau Grand-Portail, “La Croix Blanche”, Bordeaux ’20 **1/2 $ VALUE (Unbelievable value for Bordeaux, merlot heavy, fresh, accessible, classy)
All of these wines can be purchased at Kenilworth Wine and Spirits.