The public is becoming more familiar with Sicilian wines, and now Al has found the
Luna Gaia family of wines that show off the best Sicilian grapes.
Price key: $=less than $20 $$= $20-40 $$$=$40-60 $$$$=above $60
Quality key: * = decent wine ** = very good wine *** = superb wine ****= elite
VALUE = exceptional quality for the money
Luna Gaia Nero d'Avola "Chiaramontesi" red, Sicilia '19 **1/2 $$
(Fruity, big bodied, juicy, New World feeling, great for barbecue)
Luna Gaia Nerello Mascalese "Logistilla" red, Sicilia '19 **1/2 $$
(A zinfandel taste-alike, big rustic wine with deep flavors sweet aroma)
Luna Gaia Grillo "Agramante", white, Sicilia '21 **1/2 $$
(Soft, flavorful white with balancing acid, multiple citrus flavors)
Luna Gaia Catarrato "Mondricardo" white, Sicilia '21 *** $$ WINE OF THE WEEK
(A very well made white wine, like a super-rich sauvignon blanc, classy)
All of these wines can be purchased at Kenilworth Wine and Spirits.