If you are a high school senior, you may be thinking long and hard about the institutions of higher education you may want to attend. By now, you should have figured out that while money isn’t everything, it is an unavoidable aspect of our shared human existence.
A recently released Payscale report ranks colleges based upon the size of their graduates paychecks ten years at least ten years after finishing school. As reported by CNNMoney, Maritime College, a school in the State University of New York system, had the highest paid graduates for the second year in a row.
Its degree programs are limited to technology, engineering, science and math degrees and target maritime industries and jobs like mechanical engineering, marine engineering, and ocean export agents. Harvard and MIT ranked second and third.
The highest ranked Maryland instiution came in a number seven, the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis. Indeed, there is no shortage of institutions in Maryland associated with highly paid graduates. Among the other schools to be highly ranked are Loyola University, UMBC, the University of Maryland, College Park and Johns Hopkins University.