If you have more debt on your household balance sheet than you would like, you may derive some solace from the fact that you are not alone. According to a recent report from CardHub, Americans ended last year with more than nine hundred billion dollars on credit cards. As reported by CNNMoney, Beverly Hills had the highest average credit card debt at nearly thirteen thousand six hundred dollars.
The lowest credit card debt average is in Clarkston, Georgia, where the average is around two thousand seven hundred dollars. The CardHub report is based on data from TransUnion regarding average credit card balances in more than twenty six hundred cities as of September twenty fifteen. Nationally, the average credit card debt per household is a bit above eight thousand dollars.
In addition to Beverly Hills, you can find average families with large credit card balances in places like Darien, Connecticut, Greenwich, Connecticut, Highland Park, Illinois and Lake Forest, Illinois. Low balances can be found in Camden, New Jersey and Hamtramck, Michigan.
It’s obvious that the more affluent a community, the higher is their average credit card balance, which suggests that no matter how much some people have, they always want a bit more.