Economists love leading economic indicators. As many people are aware, economists do not have a great reputation for forecasting accuracy. So we are always on the hunt for leading indicators that might help to improve our record. Here’s a prediction.
More Asian students are coming to America’s colleges and universities, particularly from India. The number of graduate record examinations taken by students in India rose 70 percent in 2013 from the year prior according to recently released statistics. The GRE is the entrance test used by most graduate programs in America. The new figures indicate that more than 90,000 GRE tests were taken by Indian students in 2013. The number of tests taken in all of Asian increased by more than 35 percent according to an article supplied by the Chronicle of Higher Education.
There are a number of explanations for the surge in test taking by Indians thinking about schooling in America, including the manifestation of pent up demand after the economic downturn and the diminished attractiveness of Great Britain, which has cut international student funding and changed immigration policies.