Eighty days into his tenure as Baltimore City’s mayor, Brandon Scott wrestles with some of the city’s enduring challenges, and some newer ones. We ask about the police consent decree, his multi-pronged struggle against gun violence, what help he expects from the Biden-Harris administration, and what is on the mind of so many citizens -- the city’s Covid-19 response. Scott contends the state is not sending enough vaccine to the local health department. That’s why he’s asking Johnson and Johnson to sell directly to the city - thousands of the doses it’s manufacturing in Baltimore. “If we had a more equitable process at the state level, then maybe we wouldn’t have had to ask Johnson and Johnson for help.”
Links: Covid-19 vaccination, Covid-19 Town Hall March 2 5pm to 6pm call 855-756-7520 ext. 71682#, Police Consent Decree comments, Mayor Brandon Scott Instagram and Twitter.