Today on Midday, it's Reporters' Notebook, and Tom catches up with three reporters to discuss some of the great reporting they have done about vacant housing, climate change remediation, and education.
Tom's first guest is Justin Fenton, from our news partner, the Baltimore Banner. He’s been writing about the swarm of foreign investors who are buying some of Baltimore’s huge stock of vacant houses, in the hope of renovating and renting them. But they are running into a myriad of problems.
Justin Fenton joins us on Zoom.
Then, Tom is joined in Studio A by WYPR’s Baltimore County and environment reporter John Lee. He tells us about the historic community of Turner’s Station, and the challenges they are facing with chronic flooding. It’s part of John Lee's new environmental series, Climate Change in Your Backyard. You can find all the reports to date on the WYPR website.
Tom's final guest today is WYPR education reporter Zshekinah Collier, who discusses some of the latest developments in the region's school systems. Zshekinah joins us in Studio A.