Today, our monthly installment of Culture Connections with Dr. Sheri Parks. She's the Associate Dean for Research, Interdisciplinary Scholarship and Programming at the College of Arts and Humanities, and Associate Professor, Department of American Studies, at the University of Maryland/College Park.
So, it’s the new year. How are you feeling? Are you optimistic that brighter days lay ahead, or are you worried about where the world is going? Does the election of Donald Trump mean that the country has embraced his notion that America used to be great, and needs to made great again? Or does it mean that dissatisfaction with the status quo is so deep that we were willing to elect a Disrupter in Chief?
And how closely tied is the fate of the country to your perception of what your own fate holds in store? Are you optimistic about your own future? The Dow Jones Industrial Average has risen 11,000 points in the last eight years. Unemployment is the lowest it’s been in decades. That’s fine, but survey after survey suggests that Americans think we’re not headed in the right direction.
Dr. Sheri Parks helps us sort it all out. She's Tom's guest for the full hour, and she takes listeners' calls, emails and tweets.