Not many people have heard of, let alone sampled, Blaufränkische or Lemberger, but you're missing a treat. These light fruity wines are a delight.
Price key: $=less than $20 $$= $20-40 $$$=$40-60 $$$$=above $60
Quality key: * = decent wine ** = very good wine *** = superb wine ****= elite
VALUE = exceptional quality for the money
Ox-Eye Vineyard Lemberger, Shenandoah, Va., '21 ** $$
(Tasty, light, slightly tart, rather hearty, perfect for lighter meats)
Leo Hillinger Blaufränkische, Burgenland, Austria, '21 **1/2 $ BEST VALUE
(Light body, delicious forward fruit, slightly tannic, refreshing)
Höpler Blaufränkische, Burgenland, Austria *** $$
(A very classy, elegant red wine, lean, but with deep fruit)
All of these wines can be purchased at Kenilworth Wine and Spirits.