One of the most venerable grapes in Italy is still making high quality white wine, and Hugh has a sampling.
The Wines
Price key: $ = less than $20 $$ = $20-40 $$$ = $40-60 $$$$ = above $60
Quality key: * = decent wine ** = very good wine *** = superb wine **** = elite
VALUE = exceptional quality for the money
Vinosia Greco di Tufo L"Ariella DOCG '18 ** $
A bright snappy example of Greco, with crisp acidity, fresh flavors.
Colline del Sole Greco di Tufo '19 **1/2 $ WINE VALUE OF THE WEEK
A fuller, more flavorful version of Greco, intense aroma, mineral notes.
Benito Ferrara Greco di Tufo D'Uva '19 *** $$
A superb example of classic Greco, complete with bitter almond notes.
All of these wines can be purchased at Kenilworth Wine and Spirits.
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