From colonial times on, Maryland has crafted rum. Today's versions are turning heads with their quality, many perfect for sipping. Click the link to purchase Cellar Notes recommendations at Kenilworth Wine & Spirits.
The Wines
Price key: $=less than $20 $$= $20-40 $$$=$40-60 $$$$=above $60
Quality key: * = decent spirit ** = very good spirit *** = superb spirit ****= elite
VALUE = exceptional quality for the money
Blackwater Distilling Co. "Picaroon" Gold Rum 84 proof **1/2 $$
A very smooth rum, meant for sipping with good complexity
Lyon Dark Rum of St. Maichaels 90 proof *** $$
A dark chocolatey, old-timey rum that seems ideal for dessert
Lost Ark "Terra Mariae" Spiced Rum 80 proof ** 1/2 $$
A spiced rum that seems perfect for the holidays
Secrets Spiced Rum 70 proof *** $$ VALUE
Hits home as a first rate spiced rum, very tight, concentrated, yummy
All of these rums can be purchased at Kenilworth Wine and Spirits.
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