What’s your identity project? The thing that puts a skip in your step when you wake up every day? Maybe it’s the instrument you play, or the poems you’re writing. For a lot of kids living in Baltimore’s most impoverished neighborhoods, their identity project can be their ticket out of economic hardship. Stefanie DeLuca spent 10 years studying kids in Baltimore’s public housing, and how some are able to break the cycle of poverty. Her new book is Coming of Age in the Other America (published by Russell Sage Foundation).
Then, to mark the end of its 25th anniversary season, the Everyman Theater is presenting not one, but two American classics. Directors Vincent Lancisi and Derek Goldman on Everyman's simultaneous productions of Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire and Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman.
Plus, the 2016 Maryland Poetry Out Loud champ, Sharese Acheampong, is in the studio sharing the verse that propelled the 17-year-old Owings Mills high school senior into the National Finals, which begin in DC on May 2nd, with a top prize of $20,000.